Ranomafana National Park

Image: © Asisten Travel.com

Ranomafana National Park covers an area of 161 square miles of lush tropical rainforest and has been classified as a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Site by the Antsinanana forests, with an extremely rich and varied fauna and flora. The park offers many activities to visitors such as hiking, swimming in the thermal pool, seeking out the wildlife and rare species of flora and fauna including various species of Lemur – the golden bamboo lemur, the greater bamboo lemur, black and white ruffed lemur and Milne Edwards sifaka – over 100 species of birds, chameleons, bats and over 120 species of frogs.

This National Park offers a great opportunity for hiking and walking, with various trails and circuits.

Gamewatchers Safaris can arrange your stay, below is a selection of accommodation near Ranomafana National Park and our team of expert Travel Consultants can tailor-make an itinerary to suit your budget.

For a no-obligation quotation, simply contact us via our free online Request A Quote service.

Hôtel Thermal Ranomafana

Nestled in the picturesque National Park of Ranomafana, this hotel boasts beautifully landscaped gardens that allow guests to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty of their surroundings. Hôtel Thermal Ranomafana is a haven for nature lovers seeking relaxation and adventure.

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